Words That Change

Language-changing chefs

In Uncategorized on 13 September, 2011 at 14:29

9 of the world’s top chefs have written a manifesto for how their profession should create and engender well-being in society and the planet. Cynicism is inevitable but their language is radical and fantastic:

“Cooking is not only a response to the basic human need of feeding ourselves, and is also more than the search for happiness,” they said. “Cooking is a powerful, transformative tool that, through the joint effort of co-producers – whether we be chefs, producers or eaters – can change the way the world nourishes itself.”

We all have this power. It is not that they are telling everyone how they should be but taking responsibility for their role in the grand scheme. If each individual, business and government does the same quite a revolution would be on our hands.*

The Kogis of Colombia sit their children in caves to learn the teachings for nine years before they see daylight. When they emerge they are continuously supervised by an elder teaching and reminding them of the vast space they inhabit, even when engaged in the tiniest task.

“Look at the loom” says an elder to his student as he weaves, in the documentary From the Heart of the World “Look at its four corners and how they remind you of the four corners of the Earth”.

We are given the opportunity either to enslave ourselves and our surroundings, or be integrated, responsible and free. And changing our language is a powerful first step.

The Kogis documentary is viewable here, in appalling quality. I highly recommend buying the DVD but if you have no choice, its message is powerful even when pixellated.

*I have done the same for my business Words that Change – its role is to supply visions that inspire, and words that lift the heart.

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